In a recent post, I mentioned "I sometimes know my limits, and the morning after a full day of traipsing around the southern half of the state only leaves me feeling a little over-extended. but there are times I push it, and must face the consequences, or the roulette wheel lands on "sucks to be you" and a low-key afternoon stroll sends me to flare-city." Guess which side of the coin came up after yesterday's adventure?
It could be worse. It could be so much worse. But I still find myself getting angry that a day of walking around (in the cold or not) leaves me feeling so beat up. "It's not faaaaiiiir!" i want to whine to anyone who will listen. But what IS fair?
I made myself get dressed and leave the house today. I knew that it'd be far too easy to waste the day on the couch, napping and wallowing in self-pity despite how amazing yesterday was. Besides, I had some things I needed (new wiper blades and a headlight bulb for the car, some groceries), some things I wanted (big 50% off sale at Jo-Ann! woo!), and some things I really should've done but just didn't happen (visit my stepbrother, sister-in-law, and nieces who are in town). I thought about pushing myself to fit in the visit, but after the grocery store, I knew I was running out of spoons and needed to get myself home. Yes, it sucks. the non-perishables are still on the kitchen floor, waiting to be put away, and I haven't had the oompf to tackle the car stuff.
Do I regret yesterday's outing? Heck no! I'm still gushing about it to anyone who will listen!
Would I do things differently next time? Yes, probably. I could find more opportunities to sit down and rest my sore foot. I could take some time to stretch and flex and bend so my back/hips/knees don't stay so stiff. I could remember to take some ibuprofen at lunch and/or dinner. I could also suggest we split up for a bit, so he can move at his own (faster) pace.
So, I will try again another day. This stepbrother and his family live a reasonable driving distance away, so paying them a visit at a later date is doable. The groceries will get put away after I post this entry. I'll tackle the car stuff tomorrow when the sun is out and it's a bit warmer and I can back the car out of the garage. I'll take my meds, and get a good night's sleep tonight, and start fresh tomorrow.
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