Sunday, August 19, 2012


Five months, eh?  no, i didn't fall off the planet.  I've been busy.  doing what?

--i joined the gym.  my attendance isn't all that impressive, but i really enjoy the water aerobics, and when i can get myself there regularly, i feel pretty good.

--i started stitching again.  i have 409232 hobbies it seems, but i don't make time for them like i should.  so i picked up needle and thread and finished a handful of small projects.  it feels good to be productive, to start with a pile of stuff, and have something beautiful to show for it a week later.

--i went on vacation.  an honest to goodness, leave-town, do touristy stuff VACATION.

--i got social.  no, not twitter, but people.  due to a strange combination of circumstances, i was able to spend many weekends in a row with a friend, doing everything from browsing a farmers market to hand-feeding hummingbirds to traipsing around back roads with no real destination in mind.  bliss!

my ability and willingness to go-go-go for so long surprised everyone, myself included.  i'm really used to my lazy weekends on the couch.  unfortunately, the heat of summer finally broke, and with the cooler weather and more frequent storms, my body is being cranky and demanding more sleep and complaining louder and more frequently than before.

at lunch the other day, i told my friend that i want to make a point of doing something every week.  dinner, games, movie night, whatever.  just get in the habit of having people over and being social.  i hope that other friends will do the same, and i won't fall into the antisocial funk this winter when things get dark and gloomy.

the summer was also a break from doctors appointments, and for a brief while there, i could almost convince myself that i was normal.  Almost.