Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The morning(s) after

A couple weeks ago, i had a party.  Well, not a party in the fancypants soiree type of thing, but a casual gathering of friends, just and excuse to make yummy food and eat, drink, and be dorky.  Preparing for this was a fairly major undertaking for me, and i am still recovering from it all.

such is my life.

Am i complaining?  no.  am I frustrated and sometimes angry and most of the time lots of other things i don't quite have the words for?  you betcha.

my monday through fridays are spent working a not horribly difficult job in a big scary corporation, and my evenings and weekends are spent recovering.  A good week will allow me to have more the rice chex for dinner, and i might even be able to stay on top of the dishes.  in a not-so-good week, i drag myself to work work and back and that's just about it.  good or bad, everything else tends to get overlooked.  junk mail piles up, clean laundry never makes it from the basket to the closet.

Winter is especially difficult. it's so cliche, but this time of year i get sick and tired of being sick and tired. i force myself to have people over at least once to keep myself from turning completely feral.  tonight, leaving work, it was such a relief to see the sun.  i drove to work without my headlights on because it was bright enough, and driving home was the same.  it's the first time this winter i've been able to do this, and as dorky as sounds, seeing the sun return gives me a tiny glimmer of hope.

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